Preschool Homeschool Schedule

Preschool Homeschool Schedule

What does a preschool homeschool schedule look like? It can vary greatly! This is just one example that worked for our family.

Throwing back four years ago. I had a two year old and new preschooler on my hands. Panicking about how I would structure the day, I felt like I needed a schedule to manage our time and have a sense of accomplishment. I felt like I had to teach my four year old something, anything… Not realizing all of the learning that would continue to happen (and had already happened).

Making this dry erase preschool schedule on the back of a laminated sticker potty chart gave me comfort. You may be at a place of panic, just starting out (like I was). I’m here to tell you (four years later) that the learning happens. Life happens. And kids under 8 years old seems to learn way more through play. So please borrow this schedule if you find it helpful.

dry erase schedule on the back of a laminated sticker potty chart

Flash forward to present day – not much has changed (in the snack department!) I swear, we’re always snacking. I’ll save our current schedule for another post. It’s evolved. With everyone and their best friend considering home education during the pandemic, it’s fun to reflect back on our humble beginnings. By society’s standards, we’re experienced homeschoolers. And I’m here to help any of those who need any advice. We’re in this together!

Here’s a prettier version of my dry erase preschool homeschool schedule.
I hope you find it helpful.