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Questions to Ask Yourself Before the Holidays: 2020 version

The holidays are basically here. The impending sense of overwhelm and warm fuzziness is here as well. And it’s 2020. For those of you hiding under a rock and ignoring the news, we’re in the midst of a drastic spike in the COVID-19 pandemic. This year is absolutely different.

I revisited last year’s post and promptly decided we should revisit our priorities this year. ALL THINGS CONSIDERED. So here’s my 2020 take on Questions to Ask Yourself Before the Holidays.

Do this with simple exercise with your family. It’s just five questions. Open up a Word document on your computer and start typing. You’ll be surprised by the answers (most likely) and will have a renewed sense of what to focus on. And don’t forget to answer yourself because yes, what YOU think matters. As parents (especially those that take the care of the kids most of the time) we carry the mental and emotional load. We should have a say — especially in this even more insane holiday season.

What three things can we do to help others this year?

KIDS: Wear masks, pick up trash, send people recipes of healthy food, do more phone calls, send letters, teach our family how to do cool crafts and science experiments, give people creations.

GROWN-UPS: Donate cash or other, teach a lesson for homeschool kids, deliver presents on friends’ porches, send a random gift (support foundations), deliver a home-cooked meal to a friend or family member, donate toys and clothes to a local charity.

What are five things we can do as a family this year?

KIDS: Watch all the Charlie Brown holiday specials, give gifts, family bike rides and nature hikes, check out new parks, go on more walks.

GROWN-UPS: Take a Family Christmas light drive, build a ginger bread house, bake cookies, listen to radio version of “A Christmas Carol.”

What are three things we don’t want to do this year?

KIDS: events or activities that are too loud, no insects, no noisy or busy restaurants.

GROWN-UPS: anything that will increase our overall anxiety level, spending a lot of money on junk or just to give gifts

What is least important to us this year?

KIDS: not answered.

GROWN-UPS: house projects

What is most important to us this year?

KIDS: that we can give and get gifts, we can do things together

GROWN-UPS: staying healthy

Take a few moments to ask yourself (and your family) these questions. It’s really helpful to understand what everyone’s expectations are for this time of year.

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